NPR Leadership Conference
So this happened. The fine folks of NPR gathered with us at the NPR headquarters in Culver City last week to embark upon an 11 week training course for member stations from all over the country. Conversation centered around remaining relevant as digital changes the media landscape. The training is intrinsically pretty news-centric since that is what most stations are focused on. We certainly have plenty room for growth in digital around that area of our programming.
We felt like the big kids in the room at some points, but I found a way to get excited about this initiative — encouraging me to focus some time and effort on communication and education with folks at the station about the potential impact we can make as an organization if we focus on HOW to think about creating content for the web. Work is suddenly more and more about teaching people to fish……… or teaching the horse to drink the water, or whatever idiom I can slay.
The organizers of this event invited me to fill up an hour slot after lunch talking about KCRW’s “identity” in the digital space, which I was happy enough to do, but definitely did not have time to prepare for. Luckily, they were super casual and let it unravel as a more candid conversation than an official presentation with a well appointed slide deck and pictures of cats.
I appreciated the opportunity very much s0, and am happy to put another public speaking notch on my belt. Thanks NPR.