My Cancer Journey: The Foods I’m Eating
No Sugar • No Dairy • No Red Meat • Low Carb • No Egg
Daily Goals
✔ Between 40 – 60 Grams of Protein Daily
(no less no more)
✔ One cup of Berries a Day
(no more, and no other fruit)
✔ At least 3 cups Green Tea a Day & 1-2 cups Dandelion Root Tea
✔ 2-4 cups Bone Broth a Day
✔ 3 servings Cruciferous Veggies a Day
✔ 3-6 Brazil Nuts
✔ Green Veggie Juice
(Spinach, Carrot, Celery, Ginger, Lemon, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Cinnamon)
✔ One Serving Fermented Foods Daily
(Goat Kefir, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Miso)
✔ Use Herbs & Spices in cooking
(Turmeric & Black Pepper, Cardamom, Dulce, Nutritional Yeast, FlaxSeed)
Weekly Goals
✔ A leek a week
✔ 1oz-4oz of Organ Meat
✔ Eat Fish 2-5x a Week
(Sardines, Frozen Wild Caught Salmon, Sea Scallops, Shrimp)
✔ Any meats (basically only Chicken and/or Turkey) should be cooked at temps no greater than 300°
Here is a sample week. To be real, it’s a bit ambitious as I duplicate meals more often than this, but each of these are in the rotation from week to week. I have included links to specialty ingredients and recipes so click on over.
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Shoutout to my dear friend and an incredible support to me and my family, Cancer Chef Kate. After working for years through her own dietary goals from Whole30, to juice cleanses to Paleo & Keto lifestyles, Kate was prepared to step in and help me navigate my huge lifestyle change.
She has not only cooked and delivered food weekly throughout my entire chemo process, but she also babysits my daughter and keeps me alive with her insanely delicious bone broth and careful attention to Cancer Fighting Foods.
I love you Kate.
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Here is my favorite tip that I learned from a book I read, THE MOON JUICE COOKBOOK…
If you create a beautiful space for your daily foods, teas, and supplements then you are more likely to enjoy the habit you are creating for yourself in this lifestyle change. I did that by purchasing a few key items to set out on my kitchen shelves.
Now I am reminded daily, in an aesthetically pleasing way, that these are the foods to snack on or toss into my most recent meal pan.
What’s in the jars?
- Nutritional Yeast
- Chia Seeds
- Ground Flax Seed
- Cacao
- Rasa Adaptogenic Coffee Alternative
- Sugar Free Cacao Chips
- Brazil Nuts
- Almonds
- Sprouted Sunflower Seeds
- Dried Mulberries (an excellent source of resveratrol)
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Have a sweet tooth? Me too! Here are my guilt free go tos.
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Here is my growing shopping list! These are cancer diet approved go tos and you can click away to find them on Amazon.